Monday, January 28, 2019

Week Twenty of School

Day 90 - Monday, Jan. 28

Spelling List for Week Eighteen ("ir" and "er" words)

 1.  stir        6.  herd
2.  girl        7.  jerk
3.  verb      8.  first
  4.  her        9.  clerk
 5.  bird       10. skirt

Mr. and Mrs. Hamer picked up this antique student desk from an earlier time.
We have a couple of other student desks from the past that would fit in that old schoolhouse at Upper Canada Village.
The interesting aspect of this desk is the fact that the seat for the child who sits ahead of the desk owner is attached to the desk behind!

She's wearing the shirt of her brother's team.  That's him in the picture.
Just a note that Mr. Hamer caught up with last week's blog.  In case you didn't get the chance to check it out, simply click on "Week Nineteen" in the archive to the right of your screen.

Mrs. Hamer picked up yet another "indoor recess" toy for Mr. Hamer's class.
Just a reminder that you can enlarge the images by clicking on them and you can return to the default look of the page by clicking outside the image.

The girls had fun creating their own garden.

Looks great!

We performed an experiment in science today.

Around the topic of buoyancy. we like to say..."Things that float and things that don't."

In the Ziploc bag are ten items.

The boys and girls first wrote down their predictions regarding each sample.

"Will it float or not?"

As the experiment progressed...

...we were able to verify our predictions.

The children soon discovered some interesting notions.

They found most thing made of wood or made of plastic floated.

That is until we placed a number cube in the sunk immediately.
Mr. Hamer's guitar pick created a fuss.  When Mr. Hamer placed it gently atop the surface of the water, it floated.  However, when he dropped it into the water along its edge side, it sank right away to the bottom of the bin.

An aerial view...

...of the action...

...with eager students...excited to learn!

Too much Mr. Hamer often writes.

Here is our buoyancy sheet.

Here is our experiment sheet.
Have a great evening everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 91 - Tuesday, Jan. 29

Teachers arrived school Tuesday morning... find a brand new staff room.

With lots of new concepts.

Even a coffee bar!

With a new screen TV, clock and information board.

Looks great.

Our main bulletin board.

Love the logs on the table runner.


This was Mrs. Porcari's idea.

She and a team of four other colleagues stayed late the night before to conduct the "make-over".

Meanwhile back in class, one lad is wearing a cool T-shirt.

Some of the girls made some more flowers for Mr. Hamer.

Mrs. Akkawi's Grade Two pupils visited our class.

For another Reconciliation lesson.

Out teacher's helper.

Then it was down to work.

With the lights out for mood.

We brainstormed a response on the SmartBoard.

The students all copied it down.

It was a summary of the Parable of the Lost Sheep.

The children enjoy working together.

Another cool looking build.

My teacher's helper at my desk.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 92 - Wednesday, Jan. 30

Our 92nd day of school brings us really close to the half-way point in the school year.

We have been learning about the symbols of Canada over the last couple of days of school.

Today, after completing some work on the symbols of Canada, we looked at a Michael Mitchell version of the song, "Canada Is".

The children really enjoyed the musical piece.

They enjoyed the many pictures found in the song.

Feel free to google the tune so you can watch it as well.

Some bonus recess time occurred this afternoon.

There are way more hills out on the junior playground than there were before.

That's because of all the crazy snowfalls that have occurred recently!

To slide down, you have to climb up first.

We call this area the "volcano".

There is a huge basin in which to slide.

Say cheese!

Oh...the joys of winter!

Back in class we worked in teams.

Enjoyed some snacks.

Some handsome lads.


Say, Mr. Hamer...someone is following you!

We've been learning the parable of the "Lost Sheep".

But Mr. Hamer is not one of them!

Looks like things are coming I'd better say so long for this evening!
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 93 - Thursday, Jan. 31

Thursday once again found frigid temperatures in the great outdoors.

Meaning...we stay indoors!

The children love to construct during inclement recess time.

Lots of colour.

Lots of personality.

Friendship abounds.

Creative builds.

In block three, our Grade Two friends from Ms. Akkawi's class came by.

Mrs. Akkawi kept her Grade Three students to practise EQAO style questions.

We worked on our Reconciliation Booklet.

The lights are down as we brainstorm responses on the SmartBoard.

The students then copy the group response into their booklets.

They enjoy gathering.

Lots of smiles.

Concentration too.

Say cheese!

Block Four found some time for computing.

Total focus.

Working in teams.

Headphones help to keep the sound down in class.

It's so nice to see sharing like this!

A girl boss!  Yikes!

Some examples...

...of recent work.

Social Studies.

Where we learn all about our country.

Some science.

Our experiment write-up.

Looking after our planet.

Lots to learn.

Printing practice.

Spelling too.
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 94 - Friday, Feb.1

Yesterday we said "good-bye" to January...a long, cold month and today we welcomed the short month of February.  The children learned all about Leap Years, although this year is not one.

We were stranded indoors due to the precipitous temperatures in the great outdoors.

Mr. Hamer was on duty in the portapack.

So he visited other rooms over recess time.

The children are all engaged in a host of activities.

Fun games.

Some electronic.

Some...good old-fashioned ones!

Children dreaming up ideas for play.

A lovely sister of one of ours.

Cool building.

Neat toy!

A Rubic's Cube!

Lots of pink and grey.

Another sister of one of ours on the left!

Neat drawings.

Caught ya!

Someone's hiding.

That's better.

Engaged pupils.

Back to that Rubic's Cube.

The lad on the right actually solved it.

Right before my very eyes!

Way to go!

We have toys too.

This young friend is having a blast.

Coming up with very creative ideas.

For creative designs.

So much variety!

So many colours.

Loving it!

Then it was over to the gym.

Where we enjoyed an assembly.

On our latest school project.

A great big gathering.

Mrs. MacDonald is going over the particulars.

The children are listening intently.

They're really excited too.

Can't wait to get started!

You've already read all about it on the pink notice that went home Friday.

What a thrill it is to go into school each day!
Have a super-duper weekend all!  
Mr. Hamer OCT

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