Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week Nineteen of School

Day 86 - Monday, Jan. 21

Spelling List for Week Eighteen ("r" words)

1.  far         6.  part
 2.  farm      7.  start
  3.  hard      8.  north
   4.  park      9.  horse
  5.  corn      10. story

Mr. Hamer did not have his camera with him Monday, but these photos from today (Tuesday) are quite similar to one that would have been taken the day before.

Indeed, with the plummeting temperatures, the students were kept indoors for the recess periods.

This offers the boys and girls plenty of play time in the classroom.

They are eager builders.

Cool designs.

A lengthy work of art.

Putting each block together over such a length takes a great deal of time.

Yet another new play toy in class.

Nice design girls!

A new puzzle was brought out.

These Canadian girls sure know a lot about their country!

Smiles from one human and two stuffies!
Have a great Monday evening everyone!
Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 87 - Tuesday, Jan. 22

Today we had fun in art class.

We learned about using techniques to take a 2D image and convert it to a 3D one.

We learned about light reflection and shading techniques.

We learned the difference between a vertical line and a horizontal one.

We studied "horizon" lines and realized that the word "horizon" is in the word "horizontal".

Mr. Hamer ran choir in one of the junior classes today.

This was because the learning commons was booked up with students from the two portable classrooms during our inclement recess period.

The students take choir seriously.

They have fun too!

Mrs. Blackmore is leading the lesson.

The chidren listen attentively.

As they learn the song.

We use actual musical notation.  The students learn to read music this way!

Back in our classroom...

...yet another building toy is uncovered!

Mrs. Akkawi's class came over to our room for our Reconciliation lesson.

We learned about all of the people who help us learn about Jesus.
Check in tomorrow for some pictures from our art and our Religion lessons!
Have a great evening!  Mr. Hamer OCT

Below is a note from the St. Bernard Sacramental Team.

Dear Parents and guardians.

We would like to thank all of you who braved the inclement weather and treacherous driving conditions to bring your children (50 of those who had registered) to the Enrollment mass last Sunday at St. Bernard Church.

Please have the children put the unconsecrated host that they received from Fr. Pereira in a special place in your home to remind them of the special grace that they will get when they receive Jesus for the first time.  The children are asked to bring their host back to the church on the day that they will be making their First Holy Communion.  The hosts will be consecrated during the mass and then distributed to the children.

Once again, thank you for your involvement in your child's Sacramental preparation.

We look forward to seeing all of you at the next mandatory preparation mass on Feb. 17th at 1:30 PM in St. Bernard Church.

PS:  We ask that you bring a photo of your child (if you have not already done so) to be displayed in the church so that all parishioners can pray for your children every week leading up to the time they receive the sacraments.  If your child did not make it to the mass last Sunday, they can be enrolled at the Feb. 17th mass and receive their host and cross.  Mark your calendars now to ensure your child is eligible to receive his/her First Holy Communion this spring.

God Bless!
St. Bernard's Sacramental Team

Day 88 - Wednesday, Jan. 23

Wednesday morning found lots of snow on the ground.

With a threat of freezing rain later in the day.

Therefore the buses were cancelled.

So, we gathered all of the grade two pupils together.

From our four grade two classes.

And we got down to work.

The children were read a story.

Followed by work.

We learned about short vowels.

Then we had to located 15 short vowel words hidden in a wordsearch.

The children like working with their friends from other classes.

It's fun for this teacher too!

Some of the children had been in my Grade 1/2 class from last year.

Too much fun!

Here we see our T-shirts we made a few months back.

They look nice up on the classroom wall.

On this day, the children were given the opportunity to work with four different teachers.
An enjoyable day was had by all.
All the best, Mr. Hamer OCT

Day 89 - Thursday, Jan. 24

Thursday dawned just as Wednesday had.

Yup!  More snow...

...and more threats of freezing rain.

Once again, the buses were cancelled.

And...only a handful of children...

...made it into school.

The weather cooperated...

...for outdoor recesses.

Once again...

...every Grade Two pupil...

...gathered in one group.

We read a different story in Mr. Hamer's class.

We completed another wordsearch...with a focus on long-a words this time.

Yesterday's wordsearch focused on short-a words.

The students enjoyed lessons from four different teachers...

...throughout the four blocks of the day.

The students enjoy each other's company.

They have fun working with pupils from the other Grade Two classes.

We also learned about palindromes.

These are words that are spelled the same back to front as they are front to back.

Palindrome is a big word!

Hey a palindromic phrase!
"Madam, I'm Adam" was most likely spoken in the Garden of Eden.
Read the words backwards and you will find the same phrase only with differing spaces.

"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!" 
Indeed, this phrase is spelled the same back to front as it is front to back.

With Friday being a PD Day, this sure was one of the crazier weeks of the school year.
Here's to next week!
Mr. Hamer OCT

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